All clips take approximately 30 seconds to download. Download time will vary depending on your connection. All the clips are Windows Media Player.
WE B52's: The
forever cool B52's are the center of attention for this
fun and lively promo that branded the Women's
Entertainment Network. Not only are they featured in
person but they also wrote the catchy pop tune that's in
the piece!
AMC Billy Crystal:
This special gives the audience an intimate look into
the life of a comedic superstar. The Salute to Billy
Crystal paints a portrait of an actor whose career has
inspired and touched the lives of millions of viewers,
young and old!
AMC Clint Eastwood:
One of the most revered actors and directors of the 20th
century gives up an in depth peek into his life and
career as he's honored for his work with film
restoration. AMC spotlights Clint Eastwood, and his
film, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, with this special,
providing the audience with some never-before-heard
stories from his career as an actor as well as his roles
as a director.